Help us to enrich the educational experience of our students by supporting our school, its staff, and its programs.The Zervas PTO is committed to promoting the core values that guide the school, and to enhancing the education of our children. Our efforts primarily focus on three areas:
• Strengthening a sense of community by bringing families together
• Strengthening a sense of community by bringing families together
• Harnessing the energy, expertise, and enthusiasm of parents who want to volunteer in the school.
• Raising money to support the school and to provide important programs.

PTO BOARD 2024-2025
Co-Presidents: Augusta Maher, Liz Cantwell, and Kristin Jonash
Vice Presidents: Brandy Blakely, Yolanda Divine, Amy McKeag, Anna Potz, Monica Richardson, Marisa Tuttman, and Priyanka Vankina
Treasurers: Zaineb Ali
Assistant Treasurer: Shruti Bansal
Secretary: Kate Cox
Ex Officio: Jacob Eidsmoe
Legal Advisor: Sarah Bresolin Silver
Advisors: Dr. Diana Beck
PTO Committee Chairs
Would you like to join the board? Fill out a volunteer form at ZPTO.US/VOLUNTEER.
As a non-profit 501(c)(3) and an affiliate of the Newton Council of Parent Teacher Organization, Inc., we are governed by bylaws put forth and amended since the formation of our organization. They can be found here:
All parents and guardians of children enrolled at Zervas are members of the PTO! We need you! Tuition only covers a portion of the annual cost to educate each child. The PTO provides direct financial support for educational enrichment, teacher development, community events, classroom technology, appliances and materials through PTO dues and fundraising. Without your contributions, we cannot continue to support the numerous activities we fund and host each year.
Events and activities supported by the Zervas PTO in the past have included: Halloween Dance, Back To School Party, Destination Dinners, Tasty Takeout, and the Staff Appreciation Luncheons.